Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome, let's talk about hair, baby!

Hi, I'm Sherl. Thanks so much for stopping by! It's the first day of                2011 and Iam so excited about launching this new blog.  I look forward to      great conversation, sharing ideas and growing lots of healthy, long hair. And, if that is your goal, I wish the same to you, too.

After trying so many chemicals in my hair, I have gotten so tired of the breakage and damage that I decided to go natural. It's been about six years now since I've had a perm. I've had some detours along the way, but I am back on track. Although my hair is growing now, it is doing so slowly. 

During the last six years of growing natural hair,  I had been washing my hair and braiding it and wearing either a weave, wig or braids. It had been coming in fairly well, But, for beauty reasons- for lack of a better word-I got off track and started wearing half-weaves with the comb inside.  That was  in 2009.  Well, I noticed that my front started to break.  So my hair is uneven now. I stopped as soon as I realized what was going on. (Ugh, back to the drawing board).  I've never had a problem growing hair, but with age, hormones and various meds along the way, things have changed.  Now, more perserverance is required. So, my goal for 2011 is to grow a healthy, even length head of hair this year, using natural products.

In about July, 2010, I started taking some Collagen and Vitamin C  (from Costco) which gave good info about the need for supplement taking to grow healthy hair and nails. I can truly say, after several months that I see a difference in both.  I am going to be posting photos of my journey,  Again feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or just plain old chat.

Oh, btw, that's me in the photo.  As I said, I will be taking photos of my hair journey as time goes on.
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