Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Startling facts about chemicals in hair products

How far would you go to relax and straighten your hair?  Would you use lye, cancer causing chemicals, or formaldelhyde?  Well, that is just what has been going on.  And, even more disturbing is the fact that nearly every year, new and so called improved products hit the market with claims of "milder" or "formaldehyde free."  But, upon investigation, the lastest products usually do more harm that the older ones.

This article will examine the dangers of formaldehyde in some of the latest hair smoothing treatments.

What are the dangers of formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is a chemical that can cause immediate, short term irritation of the eyes, skin and upper respiratory tract.  And, according to the EPA and OSHA, the longer the exposure, the higher the carcinogenic risk, especially to the nose and blood.

Sadly, there is no agency that that regulates the usage of dangerous chemicals, such as formaldehyde, in beauty products.  Independent study groups have released the results of their findings but the chemicals remain in the products. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review, a panel of scientists that recommends safety standards in cosmetics, advises that beauty products contain no more than 0.2 % formmaldehyde.  But, since there is no regulatory body, manufacturers can  pretty much do as they please.

The Oregon OSHA tested over 100 samples of salon hair smoothing and relaxing chemicals and found that almost 12 % formaldehyde was found in  a Brazilian blowout formula that was labled "formaldehyde free."

In summary

It's probably best to forego these formaldehyde containing products.  Or, seek alternative hair treatments.


"The Straight Truth" Oprah Magazine

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