Friday, January 7, 2011

Dealing with dry hair in the cold months

Do you want your hair to grow out healthier this winter while you stay warm? You shouldn't have to sacrifice warmth for beauty.  Below you will find some tips that have helped many to do just that.

Cold weather blues

Most women find that the winter time is a time to hibernate and stary warn under that bulky coat, scarf and hat..  Well it is.  Just be aware that you can also enhance your beauty this time of year, even if you aren't letting everything show.

Here are some suggestion to allow your hair to flourish:

1.  Everyone wants to stay warm under that wool hat, but just make sure that you have  a scarf underneath to protect your hair from the wool.  I can't tell you how many years I have looked  at and felt my hair in the spring and realized that it felt like my hair line had been buzzed with a razor.  This was all due to the wool hats, coats and scarves. And, if you are growing out your hair, that spells disaster and means back to the beginning.

2. Drink plenty of water.  I know that this is not always easy to do. But water is really the biggest hydrator that your body can get.  Also add  deep oil conditioning once weekly or as needed depending upon your hair's condition.

3. Heat healthy.  Fruits, vegetables and grains are all high in the vitamins and minerals that the hair needs to flourish.

4. Avoid too much heat.  This is true regardless of what time of year.  Don't hot curl your hair every am before work You just might find yourself suffering from breakage and split ends.

5.  Also, super heated blow dryers are a no-no.  I have been there and done that.  If possible, allow the hair to air dry.

6. I've learned from some very knowledgeable hair dressers that when you wash your hair, don't use hot, hot water.  This tends to dry the hair as well.

7. Watch all the shampoos, hair creams, etc. Many contain damaging alcohols, formaldehyde which is not only bad for the hair, but for overall health.  Examples:

sodium lauryl sulfate
propylene glycol

8.  Massage the scalp.

9. Exercise boosts the circulation and gets the blood moving.  Great for hair growth!

10 Don't wash too frequently.  Textured hair has a tendency to secrete less oils than causcasian hair.  This will dry out the hair and scalp.

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