Sunday, February 13, 2011

Use Henna to strengthen and beautify your hair

I just found some more interesting information about  henna and the benefits that it bestows on the hair.  In my opinion, these gentle herbs promote hair health without the use of harsh chemicals: such as sulfates, parabens and drying alcohols that consumers are being warned about - at a fraction of the cost.

I am going to include a high protein recipe that gives a great burst of health to the hair.
Start with the following:

2 cups of henna (depending of the length of your hair-may be less)
1 egg white - whipped
2 teaspoons of coffee powder (Nescafe.  Optional, this will darken the mixture)
3 big lemons (usually acidic substances release the dye)
3 teaspoons of tea water ( I have been told that this also provides moisture).

(The website for the original recipe is

Mix all ingredients with wataer.  Apply to damp hair as a paste.  Being working into the hair from the roots outward.  Wrap the head with a plastic bag.  Leave on up to 3 hours or until dry.  Rinse real well.

Now, if you are like me, you've probably noticed that henna can be drying to the hair.  I have tried adding about two tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture.  It really does help.  For added hair health, don't blow dry the hair, allow it to dry naturally.


I have to admit that I have been seeing some really good results.  I have been using henna since the summer of 2010.  I usually keep my hair braided, alternating with wigs and braided styles.  Once removing the braids, I see a lot less shedding.

I invite anyone with henna experience to leave ideas and suggestions.
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