Friday, June 10, 2011

Vitamins for hair growth

What vitamins do you really need to grow healthy hair?  Well, remember that hair health and overall beauty start from a wholesome diet.  So, the prime thing to do is to clean up what you eat.  Cut out vitamin zapping fried foods, sweets, excessive fats and soda.  Push to eat more food that grows.  Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.  Hair grows about one half inch per month, so you will begin to see the fruits of your labor in a few short months.

To help the process along though, a good multivitamin is beneficial.  It is really difficult to say how much each individual needs because we all are different. This is determined by individual lifestyle and heredity.  The RDA is the minimum required intake amount to prevent deficiency diseases. This is the amount that is usually found in multiple vitamin formulas. This is usually inadequate. Actually, if you want to really be specific, it is best to get a vitamin panel work up by your doctor or nutritionist so that you know exactly where you stand.  You can then supplement based upon need.

 Just remember that the fat soluble vitamins have a potential for toxicity as they are stored in body tissue and are not excreted in urine as the water soluble ones are.

Vitamins for hair health
Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that helps the scalp produce sebum. (Sebum provides moisture to the scalp and hair). An antioxidant battles free radical damage.  Free radicals are responsible for disease and aging.

The recommended daily dose is 5,000 IU (international units). Remember though that this vitamin is not excreted in urine and has the ability to be toxic if taken in large amounts - 25,000 IU is considered toxic.

Common foods sources are: fish oils, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important in collagen formation and in maintaining skin and hair health.  The RDA is 60 mg. (We actually need more than that though).

Some common food sources are : kiwi, strawberries, cantoloup, pineapple, tomatoes.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important in enhancing circulation to the scalp.  This is a fat soluble vitamin, so remember, it can be toxic.  Recommended amount is 400 IU daily.

Some natural sources are: cold pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, soybean oils, raw seeds and nuts.


Biotin produces keratin, which is a protein that hair is made up of.  It also prevents hair loss and graying.  The RDA is 150 mcg.*

Some natural foods are:  Brewer's Yeast, Whole grain, egg yolks and liver.


Inositol keeps hair follicles healthy. The recommended daily amount is 600 mg.

Common food sources are whole grains and Brewer's yeast.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin is important in scalp circulation.  The recommended daily amount is 15 mg.

Common food sources are: Brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

This vitamin is beneficial to prevent graying and hair loss. The recommended daily amount is 4-7 mg.

Common food sources are: whole grain cereals, Brewer's yeast, organ meats, egg yolks.

Vitamin B6

Prevents hair loss and helps create melanin that gives hair its color. The recommended daily amount is 1.6 mg.

Common food sources are: liver, whole grain, vegetables, egg yolks, organ meats.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 prevents hair loss.  The recommended daily amount is 2 mg.

Common food sources are: chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

microgram is one thousandth of a milligram.
milligram is one thousandth of a gram.


"Safely grow your Natural hair with Vitamins for Hair Growth"

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