Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beauty Update: Co-Wash Success!

I  promised to give updates on my beauty regimen in growing natural hair with natural oils and sulfate-free shampoos.  I am proud to say that I am experiencing fantastic results.

I'll fill you in on what I am doing.

My styles 

I alternate between braids, extensions, curly/kinky weaves and wigs. I am proud to say that I have learned to do all these things myself, this way nothing is too tight. I  mention this because I want to emphasize that these things styles can be done if care is exercised.  I am not experiencing any breakage. Just be gentle when taking out extensions, braids and weaves-no pulling.

I also am taking B complex vitamins, along with MSM and fish liver oil. My ends are now visibly thicker-no thinning areas at all! I have also been using Organix Root Stimulator to smooth down my natural ends to finish off whatever style or look that I am aiming for.

An unexpected bonus is that my nails are also growing.

You might ask why am I wearing all those extensions and all? Well, my bangs aren't quite where I want them lengthwise.  As soon as they grow a bit more, I sure will.

What I do now is to blend as much of my hair in the front so that the hairline is really mine-not the wig.  I dare anyone to tell me where my hair ends and where the wig begins.  It looks that natural.


For washing I alternate between using argan oil shampoo and co-washing with argan oil conditioner.  It seems that it is working.  My hair stays moisturized and is responding very well to my efforts.

When using the sulfate free shampoos, curly formulas, I note that the label says that during the last wash, you can apply a light coating of the shampoo and leave in the hair as a conditioner.  Dry well and proceed with styling.  Avoid heat. 

I welcome comments and would love to hear about the experience of others.

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