Saturday, February 26, 2011

Moisturize from the inside out to regain healthy hair

Moisture is important to help keep the hair hydrated and healthy and growing.  Actually, this is the first big step in hair health.  That is why drinking lost of water is important. Remember, that at least 64 ounces is important. (I think that everyone is guilty when it comes to this). The water helps the sebaceous glands help the hair produce sebum, which is the scalp's own natural moisturizer.

Also, when you are applying your healthful and holistic oils such as olive oil, amla or almond oils, apply to the hair and not to the scalp. Paradoxically, this will block your pores, impeding the secretion of natural oils and can cause dryness! Strange isn't it? 

Also, textured hair is particularly subject to breakage since the coils in the hair make it difficult for the sebum to reach the ends (This is why so many women suffer from damaged and split ends). Also, there is less lipid in the sebum which also predisposed the hair to dryness.

Co - Washing

I have been reading a  lot about co -washing the hair to help nourish it back to health. This is the process where the hair is washed with conditioners instead of shampoos which have strong chemicals that can strip the hair and cause more dryness and damage. Examples to look out for are sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate and surfactants.

 If you decide to co - wash,  it would be good to look for a conditioner that is as natural as possible.  Also, make sure that it is a moisturizing shampoo and not a protein shampoo, which should not be used any more frequently than once every six to eight weeks. Overuse of protein conditioners can result in dry and britttle hair.

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