Saturday, April 23, 2011

When should you begin using antiaging products?

It's no secret that most women are looking for effective methods to maintain that youthful and smooth skin that is soft as a baby's bottom.  Just take a look at the numbers of products on the market.  But, have you ever wondered how old you should be when you begin using antiaging products?  Many women do.

Well, let's see.  In this post are some guidelines that can help you in making that decision.

The right time is now

For the answer I checked out the Ask Val column in  "O" magazine. According to Dr. Leslie Baumann, author of The Skin Type Solution women as young as 18 can begin using these products.

In my humble opinion, that makes sense since some people are sunbathers. It is a known fact that UVA rays can wreak havoc on skin.  Yes, and we know that includes melanin rich, ethnic skin.

Dr. Baumann goes on to point out that when it comes to wrinkles, prevention is the key.  So, it is important to infuse the skin with collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.  These substances help keep the skin plump.  For nighttime, she recommends using a prescription retinoid product along with a moisturizer rich in antioxidants, Coq10, lycopene, vitamins C and E.  Above all, make sure that a sunblock is used.

Another point that occurred to me after noting all the antioxidant recommendations is to make sure that your diet is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, which is found in tomatoes and tomato products.  Vitamins C and E are found in grains and vegetables, vegetable oils, such as olive oil, and fruits.  Coq10 would probably have to be supplemented because so little is consumed in the diet. Also, be sure to drink lots of water which can help flush out toxins in the skin and body.

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